Wet Dreams


Wet Dreams, multimedia intallation, variable dimensions, screens, baloons, 3D printed sculpture, projection
Exhibition view at Self Euphoria - solo exhibition, Artiglieria, Florence, Italy

Ph. Giulia De Riso

The dreams that accompany us in contemporary life arise from images, references, forms and feelings. Baths of humours that expose hidden expectations.
A lack of contact and what it stimulates. Sculptural and desirable bodies, sexual and moist references of a mirage that never arrives. The incessant nightmare of detachment from one's neighbour is redundant and intrinsic in today's life. The only escape are distant, brief moments in which our hopes are realised and where we can regain consciousness of our bodies.
A distant past awakens us, giving us the strength to look forward. Analysing the difficulty of approaching the sentimental and sexual sphere due to the period we are living in with Covid 19, a digital vision of the real context is developed. Through objects, phrases and abstract forms a dialogue of the emotional sphere comes to life.

I sogni che ci accompagnano nella vita contemporanea nascono da immagini, rimandi, forme e sentimenti.
Bagni di umori che espongono le aspettative nascoste. Una mancanza del contatto e di ciò che esso stimola. Corpi scultorei e desiderabili, riferimenti sessuali e umidi di un miraggio che non arriva mai. L’incubo incessante del distaccamento dal prossimo è ridondante e intrinseco nella vita odierna. L’unica via di fuga sono attimi distanti e brevi in cui le nostre speranze si concretizzano e dove possiamo riprendere coscienza dei nostri corpi.
Un lontano passato ci risveglia, dandoci la forza di guardare avanti. Analizzando la difficoltà di approccio alla sfera sentimentale e sessuale a causa del periodo che stiamo vivendo con il Covid 19, si sviluppa una visione digitale del contesto reale. Attraverso oggetti, frasi e forme astratte un dialogo della sfera emotiva prende vita.

Happy new year

Through a constant rhythm, the video takes a look into the sphere of BDSM and free sex .  When a liberation of prejudices in society of what is considered 'normal' within the sexual and love sphere is essential, opening windows to other perspectives and choosing a free dialogue on this topic; it is important not to demonise but to raise vanilla sex and the visibility of asexual and demisexual people.  Through the constricting symbol of the gagball, which is inundated by this slobbery liquid with a constant rhythm, my intention is to transpose an inner struggle of moments of intense hypersexuality to others of strong demisexuality. We tend to forget all too often, that the sexual sphere is broad and all completely valid, creating a psychological pressure and categorisation of how the individual experiences sexuality.  Sometimes, a toxic narrative of what sexuality should be is activated through social media, when such a large sphere should encompass all kinds of pleasure and preference without prejudice. Actively ignoring certain types of sexuality, does not normalise everything but marginalises people, creating a hypersexualisation of the individual and a wrong growth of what sex positivity is.

Il video ripropone attraverso un ritmo costante uno sguardo nella sfera del sesso libero e di quello BDSM. Quando da una parte è fondamentale una liberazione dei pregiudizi nella società di ciò che si considera “normale” all’interno della sfera sessuale e quella amorosa, andando ad aprire finestre su altre prospettive e scegliendo un dialogo libero su questo tema; è importante non demonizzare ma innalzare il sesso vanilla e la visibilità delle persone asessuali e demisessuali.  Attraverso il simbolo di costrizione della gagball, che viene inondata da questo liquido bavoso con un ritmo costante, il mio intento è trasporre una lotta interiore di momenti di ipersessualità intensa ad altri di forte demisessualità. Si tende a dimenticare troppo spesso, che la sfera sessuale è ampia e tutta completamente valida, andando a creare una pressione psicologica e una categorizzazione di come l’individuo vive la sessualità. Certe volte, attraverso i social media si attiva una narrazione tossica di cosa deve essere la sessualità, quando una sfera così grande dovrebbe comprendere senza pregiudizi ogni tipo di piacere e preferenza. Ignorare attivamente certi tipi di sessualità, non normalizza tutto ma emargina le persone, andando a creare una ipersessualizzazione dell’individuo e una crescita sbagliata di ciò che è la sex positivity.

Seed of freedom

The video revolves around a plant freed from the hard cocoon that contained it, letting go in a release of fluids that immerses and nourishes it. Liberation from patriarchal structures is what it would take for men to understand how to achieve pure essence and maximum enjoyment through anal sex. An interpenetration of pleasure that, in this dreamy, magical world, leads to the awakening of human consciences. A plant grown for the sole purpose of representing and synthesising what it would be. The stigma that leads men not to experience pleasure in different ways is based on homophobic and macho dynamics, which demean sex to a power struggle. In this dream, an awakening of consciousness takes place, inside a cave hidden from everyone's eyes. A revelation about the whole world without us being aware of it, which ends up closing again and makes it a distant.


This work speaks about the cycle of moments and feelings in the sentimental sphere and in the relationships we engage in everyday life.

Through short and slow actions, the video transports us into an endless repetition of unceasing emotions and desires.

We find ourselves becoming more mature each time, but still having to face those difficult situations that life puts in front of us. We get stabbed, we break free, we drown, we feel distant and we start again. 

Confrontation with others is always important and leads us to enter new chapters of our lives in a wiser way. I don't want to hide, I want to talk about it, I want to distort but not idealise. I want to reproduce what love is: an endless loop of joy and pain. The nuances of relationships are always different, there is no better or worse. Only different. Sometimes it is the people, sometimes it’s the time and sometimes it just doesn't work. Pain is part of growing up and it is important to externalise the good and the bad that comes out of our souls. 

The time has come! they die, so we can have our sins, 67cm x 90 cm, backlight print, aluminium profile, steel cables, light
Exhibition view at Plus 2022, Lago Venue, Rome

Strale, 2022, variable dimensions, ringlights, chrome tube, 3d printed PLA, putty, spray paint, steel cables, two-component adhesive
Exhibition view at Plus 2022, Lago Venue, Rome