

Exhibition view at Self Euphoria - solo exhibition, Artiglieria, Florence, Italy

Ph. Giulia De Riso

Reconnecting, multimedia intallation, variable dimensions, monitors, fabrics
Exhibition view at Ars Electronica Festival 2023 - Cytolon’s Whisper, OÖ Kunstverein, Linz, Austria

Ph. Linaá Pulido Barragán

#7, 2023, video animation, 3840 px x 2160 px, 41 sec

#8, 2023, video animation, 3840 px x 2160 px, 41 sec

The project speaks of the artist’s relationship with their own body and how they rediscovered sensuality by excluding the rules of gender binarism, in the curves of theirshapes considered feminine by society. Through objects and moments experienced in contact with sexuality, the artist re-appropriates what makes them feel understood and embodies a new role. What results is an intimate and attentive portrait that is presented to the public in a hidden form. The artist has had their naked body scanned in 3D in different poses, in moments of submission and domination, with female and male attributes. Various textures were applied to these scans, blending the body with the objects in the scene, not giving full awareness of what we are looking at. Appropriate cutouts have been chosen for each pose, which hint at the sensual forms in front of us.

Reconnecting parla del rapporto dell'artista con il proprio corpo e di come ha riscoperto la sensualità escludendo le regole del binarismo di genere, nelle curve delle proprie forme considerate femminili dalla società. Attraverso oggetti e momenti vissuti a contatto con la sessualità, l'artista si riappropria di ciò che la fa sentire compresa e incarna un nuovo ruolo. Ne risulta un ritratto intimo e attento che viene presentato al pubblico in forma nascosta. L'artista ha fatto scansionare il proprio corpo nudo in 3D in diverse pose, in momenti di sottomissione e dominazione, con attributi femminili e maschili. A queste scansioni sono state applicate varie texture, che fondono il corpo con gli oggetti della scena, rendendo difficile la distinzione tra corpo e materia.

Reconnecting, multimedia intallation, variable dimensions, lights, monitors, fabrics
Exhibition view at Retime, DH5, Linz, Austria

Ph. Emma Silvana Tripaldi

#2, 2022, video animation, 3840 px x 2160 px, 41 sec

#6, 2022, video animation, 3840 px x 2160 px, 41 sec